UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at UC Davis
The SDGs—which aim to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all—reflect a universal commitment to address issues that are critical to humankind at the local, regional, national and international levels. Many of the challenges that we face are common, interlinked, and increasingly, borderless. All 17 SDGs are being addressed by UC Davis experts across more than 100 countries.

UC Davis Voluntary University Review on the SDGs
Aligning with its mission as a public, land-grant, and comprehensive research university, UC Davis completed a campuswide SDG Voluntary University Review (VUR) in 2021. Similar to Voluntary National Reviews, which governments around the world pursue to share experiences, strengthen policies and institutions, and mobilize stakeholders and partnerships to accelerate implementation of the SDG Agenda, along with Voluntary Local Reviews (a way for cities to do the same), universities can pursue Voluntary University Reviews. UC Davis Global Affairs, Sustainability, and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are spearheading this Voluntary University Review effort.