Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Conference 2022
Click the links to access other articles and media coverages for the 2022 Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Conference, held on May 14, 2022:

UC Davis: Former Astronaut Tells Youth to ‘Dream Big’
- March 4 - "CHANCELL-ING: Celebrating César Chávez" with Chancellor Gary May
- May 12 - "1,200 to Gather at UC Davis for Youth Leadership Conference" Daily Democrat
- May 14 - "'Dream big': Former astronaut from Stockton hopes to inspire youth to shoot for the stars" KCRA
- May 16 - "Jóvenes reciben ayuda y asesorías en US Davis durante la conferencia de Cesar Chávez" Telemundo33
- May 18 - "Former astronaut tells youth to ‘dream big’ at UC Davis event: UC regent speaks to 1,200 at Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Conference and Celebration" Daily Democrat